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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Remedial Psikomotor 03

Please create a program for counting the words that inputted by user :

Input = This is me, is this me
Output = 6 words

Input = Do Something For Your Brighter Future Bro...
Output = 7 words

Here's the assesment criteria :

  1. X-J Class Must use WHILE for looping statement
  2. X-K Class Must use REPEAT for looping statement
  3. X-L Class May use WHILE or REPEAT for looping statement
  4. File name is equal with your ID (20554.pas)
  5. Should be on my inbox ( at may, 20 '2007 (23:59:59)
Good Luck and Success 4 all

Friday, May 4, 2007

Remedial Assignment For X-L

Sorry for lately post for Remedial Assignment. For assignment, please create a program that have a same Input / Output (I/O) like this example :

Input = 5
Output = 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 12

Input = 6
Output = 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 = 20

Here's the assesment criteria :
  1. Must use a conditional looping like WHILE or REPEAT
  2. Plus Operator didn't appear in last of series
  3. File name is your ID like 20554
  4. Should be on my inbox ( at may, 08 '2007 (23:59:59)
Good Luck and Success 4 all

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Different Cons Of Homeschooling

Despite being a viable alternative to traditional classroom setting, there are still some people who feel that Homeschooling is not for everyone. Like many things, this new system of education has its disadvantages.

Here are some of them :

1. When you decide to put your kids to homeschooling, you have to be prepared to spend all day with your children for several days. With homeschooling, you have to be their teacher. You have to be there to supervise their lessons and even check on their progress. You also have to think of activities and make worksheets. This is why most parents would leave work to go fulltime in teaching their kids.

2. Deciding on homeschooling will mean that you have to go against the norm. Be prepared to be grilled by other parents. You should also be prepared to find some difficulties when you do decide to put your kid back to mainstream. Adjustment will be hard as they will not be used to the environment that traditional education has.

3. Spending 24 hours of the day with your child and being their teacher is no joke. At the beginning, you really have to be patient with your child as he or she will not always understand the lesson as fast or as easily as you want. Do not lose your temper because this will only make matters worst. Remember that it is just normal for your kid to be behind in some subjects or to take a longer time understanding lessons.

4. Most would think that a homeschooling education is cheaper. This is not the case. Although you are not paying for any tuition fee, you have to shell out money for the materials that you will be using. Also, a parent may need to quit his or her job to become a full-time teacher. This can pose a problem in the finances especially if both incomes are needed to make both ends meet.

5. Being a teacher is not an easy task. Not only will you have to patient with your child but you also have to put an enthusiastic appearance even when you are not really in the mood to teach them their lessons. It is important that you make the lesson appear fun and interesting for them so that they will be interested to learn. When they see you bored stiff, they will also follow suit, making your task of teaching them all the more difficult.

Its just an opinion, make your choice about home schooling.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Homeschooling: How to Get Started

Homeschooling is becoming a common alternative to traditional classroom teaching. Today, more parents and guardians are opting to teaching their children at home, with an estimated 750,000 to 1,000,000 students learning in a home environment. Many parents believe that homeschooling provides their children with a custom or more complete education than public or private schools. It is easy to get started, you just have to do your homework.

Legality -- Can I Teach my Child from Home?

It is legal to homeschool your child in the
U.S. and many other countries. Each state has different laws regarding homeschooling, which can range from simple guidelines to more formal legal requirements. Look for a local, state or regional home education organization to provide basic information on the laws that pertain to your state.

Finding the Support You Need

Some home education departments will also provide a list of support groups in your area. These support groups are usually run by volunteers who also homeschool their children. You can find a support group in your area to get the encouragement and information you need from experienced homeschooling families.

In addition to state and local support groups, private groups can be particularly helpful. Their services range from providing books, materials and other resources to consultation, testing and distance education programs. These groups are designed to serve homeschooling families and not only sell the supplies and services you need, but provide helpful information and referrals.

Additional Resources

There are many resources available to the new homeschooler. Get the information you need to get started on the right foot. Read books on homeschooling. Browse web pages and links and read different articles that are available to you.

Remember that the benefit of homeschooling is that you can customize the education to fit the needs of your children and your family. You can choose the educational methods that work best for you.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Home Schooling Legal Requirements

Homeschooling has become a popular type of education in the past few years. Parents can educate their child in their own homes, free to set their own study schedule and education curriculum and free to watch their children learning at home.

If you are planning to homeschool your child, it is important you know the legal requirements for homeschooling in your state before proceeding.

Currently in the united states, homeschooling is legal in all 50 states. However each state has their own requirements and guidelines. The best way to determine the legal requirements would be to contact your local school official for more information.

Most states requires parents who wish to adopt homeschooling to file a letter of intent to their local community school. Some states also requires parents to attend a series of lessons organize by the school before they can begin homeschooling. There are also some states that require the lesson plans to be submitted for approval by the school before you can commence homeschooling.

Some states also require children who are homeschooling to take test or evaluations conducted by qualified teachers. Some require the tests to be conducted on an annual basis. However, the tests are not compulsory but is encouraged.

These are safeguards in place to ensure the standard of education for homeschoolers is maintained.

For example in California, there are 3 different options for homeschooling. Homeschoolers can be part of an independent public homeschooling programs. The 2nd option is to get a certified homeschooling tutor and the last option is to enroll into a private school.

If you have a large homeschooling community in your area, the community can also form a private school for homeschoolers.

The graduate guidelines are also different with each state. Some states have no graduation requirements. Other states require the homeschooler to take tests before they are graduated.

Since the homeschooling requirement for each state is different, it is best to consult with your local school for more information before proceeding.

Home Schooling: Determining The Length Of Your Child's School Year

A practical alternative or replacement to schooling institutions is Home schooling. In conformity with your state laws concerning this kind of education, parents teach their children to study and learn themselves. It will be easier for parents to watch their children.

Parents have different explanations as well as justifications as to why they want their children to be educated through home schooling. Parents are concerned regarding the safety of their wards, as well as the quality of education that provided in public schools. The costs of private schooling and the struggle that the child undergoes to keep up with the entire class is one of the major factors in favor of such alternatives.

Most parents feel defenseless when their kids are labeled as ‘slow learners’ by their peers, or other such emotional baggage.

In a large class, usually teachers have limited options and remedies to act on such children who might be “slow learners” compared to others. This leads to the need for tutoring, where they are provided the attention they seek, and can learn at “their own pace”, without having to compete with others children even while maximum attention is being paid by the teacher.

Again, a student who is very enthusiastic about learning and who generally does well in class is a good candidate for home schooling, since he can successfully juggle the absence of interacting with his friends and encouragement for excellent work that are components of a regular classroom.

A home schooling teacher must be have suitably eligibility, which suggests that he or she has at least had a “high school education” to educate lower elementary students.

The parent or teacher must be inspired and encouraged enough to educate the students, since home schooling entails hard work as well as rewards; it is, nevertheless, a satisfying job, when the results are for you to see.

Parent or teachers should be available for each day of schooling, there should be no interruption due to daily chores, and dedication to the program is a must.

Plan what the child needs:

The child will need a certain study area that is quiet, with no disturbances at all. Study time should be well scheduled and well planned.

Have a focused attitude towards the child; this is essential, as your child realizes that you are committed and enjoy your time together rather than acting irritable or unsatisfied with your child’s limitations.

A reward is a must to encourage and stimulate your child to create an affirmative emotional and informative experience. You should provide your child with basic school materials such as textbooks, encyclopedia, globe, and dictionaries. Try out the resources the internet provides as an addition to your home schooling program; such information is forever updated.

Store up on educational games of different varieties, art materials and supplies and create an environment for reading books. After your home school hours the kids can do crafts, play games, and read books as and when they like.

How do you define your “home school period?”

To begin the process of lesson planning, you have to determine a timetable or what is the “school year for your program”

Begin, by knowing the total number of “school days” in a formal school.

While determining this there are two main factors that one should understand. Firstly, the certain number of teaching or tutoring days as obliged by the State you are resident of. Usually, 180 days are needed, although some States require more and some less. Consequently, this is the minimum number of days recommended for your program.

Another factor is the total number of days necessary to complete the longest type of curriculum planned by you for the coming academic session. When the particular “longest” session necessitates less than the lowest number of teaching days, then it need not be a reason for outlining your home school yearly curriculum.

If it should need more than the lowest or minimum days, its time will conclude the time span for your year of home school. For example, if your State requires a minimum of 180 days of teaching, you discover in your curriculum, for example that algebra, will need 200 days of teaching to complete. Then 200 days would suffice for your home school year.

Once you have finalized and resolved which days are more, than that of the lowest number of your State's or your longest duration of program, then you should estimate the “actual number of days” of your home school year. That will then be the total number of days that your lessons should be based on.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Home Schooling And Your Kids

Home Schooling has been garnering more and more interest and support from many parents who are looking for educational alternatives that they can give to their kids. Home schooling is an educational method that makes use of the home as the primary educational base for children. The system involves children being taught or educated at home rather than at an institution such as public or private schools.

In the past, most children are taught their ABC's at home in the absence of adequate schools in some areas. But with the advent of compulsory school attendance in the 19th century, education worldwide is earned through the traditional school approach. In today's terms, home schooling or home education refer to the instruction done in the home with the supervision of government-regulated correspondence schools.

Is home schooling effective? Most people tend to believe so. Many experts think that home schooling can be an effective learning tool because it practices a more personalized form of education. In home schooling, it is usually the parent's responsibility to teach the kids their lesson. And this type of learning environment has helped many children absorb more of what they are being taught.

And the great results have substantiated proof. Some home school statistics show that a number of home school students scored as many as thirty percentile points higher than national public school averages. Some experts don't even see statistical differences in terms of academic achievement between home school students taught by parents with less formal education and those students being taught by parents that have acquired higher formal education.

There are other positive home schooling statistics available that will help prove that such a method of educating children is just as effective. In 2003, the NHERI or National Home Education Research Institute conducted an extensive survey of over 7,300 home-schooled adults in the
US with over 5000 of them being part of the survey for over seven years. The findings of the said survey indicated that more home-schooled adults are more active and involved in their respective communities.

Most of them are also more likely to get involved in civic affairs and have higher voting population percentages than their counterparts. In terms of outlook, almost three fourths of home schooled adults feel more positive and find life exciting as compared to less than half for the general population. Half of the home schooled adults report that they are very happy with their lives.

These statistics have shown that home schooling can have a great effect on how a child will learn. Home education can be just as effective and efficient as having your children taught in traditional institutions. Home schooling just carries a big advantage over these educational institutions in the sense that this method can make parents and their kids find time together. If you are looking forward to getting closer with your own kids and more active when it comes to their schooling, then home education for your kids should be considered.